[Becarios-ifeva] Fwd: Arthropodata: Webinar series for arthropod enthusiasts

SOLEDAD MENDEZ soledadmendez en agro.uba.ar
Vie Nov 20 13:38:41 ART 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Vanesa Gisela Jacobi <vjacobi en agro.uba.ar>
Date: mié, 18 nov 2020 a las 18:02
Subject: Arthropodata: Webinar series for arthropod enthusiasts
To: Jorge Zavala <zavala en agro.uba.ar>, Barneto Jesica Alejandra <
barneto en agro.uba.ar>, MARIA DANIELA TEJEDOR <mtejedor en agro.uba.ar>,
Virginia Medina <vmedina en agro.uba.ar>, Barriga Lucia Guadalupe <
barriga en agro.uba.ar>, Bruno Rosso <brosso en agro.uba.ar>, Camila Davila <
cdavila en agro.uba.ar>, Franco Andres Arias Ilabaca <francoarias en agro.uba.ar>,
Mariana Manetti <mmanetti en agro.uba.ar>, Lucía Borniego <
luborniego en hotmail.com>, Gerardo Irigoyen bordarampé <girigoyen en agro.uba.ar>,
Dillon Francisco Maria <fdillon en agro.uba.ar>, SOLEDAD MENDEZ <
soledadmendez en agro.uba.ar>, Patricia Carina Fernandez <pcfernan en agro.uba.ar>,
Albertina Gauna <gaunaalbertina en agro.uba.ar>, Pagano Eduardo Antonio <
epagano en agro.uba.ar>, Manzur MILENA ELISA <mmanzur en agro.uba.ar>, Josefina
Demicheli <jdemicheli en agro.uba.ar>, Florencia Alvarez <
floalvarez en agro.uba.ar>

Les comparto la invitación para la serie de webinars que estamos
El primero será el viernes 27 de Noviembre a las 16:00hs (Argentina). Los
invitados son el Dr. Jorge Zavala (INBA-CONICET, FAUBA, Argentina) y el Dr.
Sean Prager (USask, Canadá).
La idea es realizar un webinar al mes. En cada uno habrá dos invitad en s
pertenecientes a laboratorios diferentes (de distintos continentes) que
trabajan en temas similares.
El hilo conductor serán siempre los artrópodos.
Para participar deben inscribirse completando la forma de registro (más
abajo en el texto).
L en s mantendremos informados del calendario de presentaciones y el
día anterior a cada webinar les enviaremos el link para conectarse de
manera sincrónica o para ver la grabación por YouTube (si no pueden
conectarse sincrónicamente).
Cualquier duda no duden en consultarnos!
Muchos saludos!
P/D: sientanse libres de reenviar esta invitación si saben de alguien
interesad@ en participar.

Webinar series for arthropod enthusiasts

We would like to invite you to our first virtual seminar at 1 pm (CST) on
Nov 27th, 2020. Our first guest speakers will be Dr. Jorge Zavala (FAUBA
and INBA-CONICET, Argentina) and Dr. Sean Prager (Usask, Canada).

Dr. Zavala is a professor at Cátedra de Bioquímica, FAUBA. His area of
expertise include plant-insect interactions, plant chemical defenses, and
biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in plant responses to insect

Dr. Prager is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Plant Sciences
and Associate Member in the Department of Biology at the University of
Saskatchewan. He is an expert in the biology and management of insect
vectors of plant diseases and insect ecology.

Each speaker will deliver a 30-minute presentation, with an additional 5
minutes for questions, and there will be 20 minutes in the end for a final
discussion. Registration is free and can be completed using the following
link: Registration form <https://forms.gle/8D9FeK2r5syxoqhe7>

*Our seminar series is a collaborative work between Dr. Jorge Zavala´s
research group (* *Cátedra* *de* *Bioquímica* *,* *Facultad* *de*
*Agronomía* *, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Instituto de Investigaciones en
Biociencias Agrícolas y Ambientales, CONICET) and the Prager Lab
(Department of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Bioresources,
University of Saskatchewan). Our mission is to create a space for (* *ento* *+
fellow arthropods) scientists to share what they do in their labs. We hope
registrants* *have the opportunity to* *interact with our guest speakers,
ask (LOTS of) questions, and discover new and exciting research lines
involving these fascinating invertebrates. *

*Seminars will take place once a month and will have an approximate
duration of 150 minutes (1* *hr* *30 min). Seminar recordings will be made
available on our* *Youtube* *channel*.

Follow us on Twitter <https://twitter.com/arthropodata> , Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/arthropodata/?hl=es-la> or Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/arthropo.data.5> for updates and more information
about our speakers and seminars.

In case you miss any of the seminars or want to listen to them again,
recordings will be made available.

If you have any questions, send us an email <arthropodata en gmail.com> or a
DM on Twitter <https://twitter.com/arthropodata> / Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/arthropodata/?hl=es-la> .

King regards,

  *Arthropodata* * Organizing Committee: Berenice Romero (* *Usask* *,
Canada) and Vanesa Jacobi (FAUBA, Argentina)*
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