[AACS] Búsqueda de laboratorio para CBM y MOP

Diego J. Cosentino cosenti en agro.uba.ar
Mar Mar 22 12:06:56 ART 2016

Buenos días,

Les reenvío un mail que llegó a la AACS de un investigadfor de la 
Universidad de Princeton que está buscando un laboratorio que haga 
Carbono de la Biomasa Microbiana y Materia orgánica y N particulado.

Les ruego que se comuniquen con él directamente.
Diego J. Cosentino

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	Formulario de Contacto AACS [WEB AACS] Soil analyses services
Fecha: 	Tue, 15 Mar 2016 15:05:54 +0000
De: 	Megan McSherry <megan.mcsherry en gmail.com>
Responder a: 	megan.mcsherry en gmail.com
Para: 	aacs en suelos.org.ar

Buenos dias,

My name is Megan McSherry and I am a researcher from Princeton
University in the US working on a few estancias north of Bariloche. I
am writing to inquire whether you can assist me in finding a lab that
does soil analyses services for external researchers?
The services I am interested in are microbial biomass carbon analysis
(n = 75 samples) and soil fractionation to then determine particulate
and mineral-associated organic carbon and nitrogen levels (n = 10) and
I am trying to find out the costs per sample for these services. For
the fractionation, the samples will come from Neuquen province and
will be ready for analysis by the early April. For the microbial
biomass C analysis, the samples should be ready for analysis toward
the end of April.
Thank you so much for your assistance.
Megan McSherry

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