Diego J. Cosentino cosenti en agro.uba.ar
Lun Dic 5 11:59:30 ART 2016

Estimados todos los interesados en la protección y el cuidado de los 
suelos de nuestro planeta,

     Hoy es el Día mundial del Suelo. Aprovecho a citar a un experto de 
la Alianza Mundial del Suelo, Miguel Taboada, que nos hizo un resumen 
del origen de este día.

"Un breve historial de esta celebración parte del año 2002, en que por 
una Resolución de la Unión Internacional de Ciencias del Suelo (IUSS)se 
establece “5 de diciembre el Día Mundial del Suelo”,  para celebrar la 
importancia del suelo como un componente crítico del sistema natural y 
como un contribuyente vital al bienestar humano. Posteriormente, en 2012 
y bajo el liderazgo del Reino de Tailandia, la FAO ha apoyado a través 
de la Alianza Mundial por el Suelo el establecimiento formal del Día 
Mundial del Suelo como plataforma mundial de sensibilización. La 
Conferencia de la FAO de junio de 2013, aprobó unánimemente el Día 
Mundial del Suelo y solicitó su aprobación oficial en la 68ª Asamblea 
General de la ONU. En diciembre de 2013, la 68ª Asamblea General de la 
ONU declaró el 5 de diciembre como el Día Mundial del Suelo".

         También les paso un mensaje especial del Secretario General de 
la naciones Unidas, por el Día Mundial del Suelo.

Creo que los científicos debemos sumarnos a la iniciativa de la FAO-ONU, 
la Alianza Mundial del Suelo, colaborando en cumplir con los objetivos 
de los 5 pilares de acción:

1- Promoción del manejo sostenible del recurso suelo para su protección, 
conservación y  productividad sostenible;
2- Fomento de la inversión, cooperación técnica, políticas, 
concientización, educación, capacitación y extensión sobre los suelos;
3- Promoción de la investigación y el desarrollo edafológico focalizado 
y centrado en las brechas y prioridades que se hayan identificado y las 
sinergias con acciones relacionadas con la producción, desarrollo 
ambiental y social;
4- Mejora de la cantidad y la calidad de los datos e información 
edafológica: recolección de datos (generación), análisis, validación, 
presentación de informes, monitoreo y su integración con otras disciplinas;
5- Armonización de los métodos, medidas e indicadores para el manejo 
sostenible y la protección del recurso suelo.


Diego Cosentino


<http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJgQ8qdJraBTMPGeOteQsu> 	GSP Newsletter #10
5 December 2016


*Global Soil Partnership * 	



/"On *World Soil Day*, I call for greater attention to the pressing 
issues affecting soils, including climate change, antimicrobial 
resistance, soil-borne diseases, contamination, nutrition and human 
health" /

/*                       UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon*/

*Celebrating Soils *

** <http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJr3Pk9solNDfvlFrhM5RP>*Today is World 
Soil Day*, a special day to spread awareness on how important healthy 
soils are for a healthy life. This year, World Soil Day 2016 (WSD2016) 
relevantly combines the *International Year of Soils 2015* and the 
*International Year of Pulses 2016* with the theme “/Soil & Pulses, 
symbiosis for life/”. Under this theme, WSD 2016 highlights the 
multifaceted benefits of pulses not only for human health and nutrition, 
but also for their contribution to soil health and sustainable 
agriculture through the symbiotic relationship between soils and pulses.

WSD2016 celebrations officially *kicked off at the UN Headquarters in 
New York on the 2nd December with an event entitled “Soils and pulses, a 
symbiosis for life and for halting soil degradation”*. *This event 
<http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJv9iSVlzCFVqYpQ5BZoqL>*, co-organized by 
the Permanent Missions of Lesotho, Thailand and Turkey, in collaboration 
with FAO and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 
(UNCCD), was also a special occasion to pay tribute to /His Majesty the 
late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand/ in recognition of his lifelong 
work on soils and sustainable soil management. His Majesty’s Birthday, 5 
December, has been designated World Soil Day since 2014 by the UN 
General Assembly.

Today, a *special celebration 
<http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJxc2Fjiag74wHWVpM62Ie>* is taking place 
at FAO headquarters in Rome, followed by a soil and agriculture 
development exhibition offered by the Permanent Representation of the 
Kingdom of Thailand. Also, a celebration is taking place at CBD COP13 in 
Cancun, Mexico. Join the Rome event *by webcast 

*See the full message from the UN Secretary-General for the WSD 2016 



*World Soil Day 2016 around the world!*

** <http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJDkg0t7WaqvNUybogpZyD>

This year, more than 120 events celebrating soils have been registered 
on *our interactive map 
<http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJFmZMR4wNRETE5gIqwDQ6>*, while the *WSD 
fun campaign material* 
<http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJHpJzf17riNZnCm2ADi7z> - infographics, 
banners, videos, posters and printable logos for T-shirts - was 
downloaded and used by thousands of people participating in public 
events. The range of events organized includes concerts, picnics, sport 
events, debates, WSD cakes, high level workshops and seminars, farmers 
gatherings, tree plantings in primary schools, lectures to students, 
science nights activities in high schools and many more.... the GSP 
Secretariat warmly encourages you to join hands together to fight for 
healthy soils and awareness over people.

With deep gratitude to the many who agreed to *share their 
successes with us <mailto:gsp-secretariat en fao.org>*, the photos of your 
events will be soon uploaded on our growing flickr photo gallery... and 
we call for the collaboration of all our partners to share pictures and 
the material prepared for your special events.

--------- *FAO special press release for the World Soil Day 


*Book launch: Soil and Pulses, Symbiosis for Life*

** <http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJLvd80UiIb6aQGwGUQAGv>In celebration 
of the synergy between IYS 2015 and IYP 2016, a new book titled Soils & 
Pulses: symbiosis for life was launched today, WSD2016, at FAO 
Headquarter. This *114-page publication* illustrates the various ways in 
which the “*strategic alliance*” between soils and pulses contributes to 
forging more sustainable food and agriculture systems, presenting 
decision makers and practitioners with scientific facts and technical 
recommendations for managing the symbiosis between soils and pulses. It 
ultimately explores how *sustainable practices *can be implemented in 
support of the effort to*end hunger and malnutrition, adapt to climate 
change, halt soil degradation and achieve overall sustainable 
development *in view of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A 
short video illustrating the symbiosis between Soils and Pulses has been 
prepared and is available *here 

--------- _*Download the book*_ 


*December 5: the first Glinka World Soil Prize*

** <http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJTGafyGFfVGxMORZzhbOn>Capitalizing on 
the awareness raising momentum created by the IYS 2015, the first ever 
/Glinka World Soil Prize/ was*awarded today to the Colombian Instituto 
Geografico Agustin Codazzi (IGAC)* in recognition of its leadership and 
activities contributing to the promotion of sustainable soil management. 
As illustrated by this *video 
<http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJVIU1WDfTmPDwlXjJnQ5Q>*, IGAC coordinates 
the Colombian Spatial Data Infrastructure, trains professionals from 
across the globe in various soil topics, and is rapidly modernizing 
geospatial technologies in Latin America. In few years IGAC unveiled a 
study that sheds light on Colombian soils, their morphology and complex 
economic and social context. Overall, the Institute is compiling 
information that will change the way that governments and businesses 
work in relation to soil management in the decades ahead. The current 
Sponsor of the *Glinka World Soil Prize 
<http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJXLDOkzQwNYJfT2DTuunj>* is the Russian 


*Endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management 
by the FAO Council*

** <http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqJZOnAIwraf7OZq7Y3B8EM>In keeping with 
the celebration of efforts contributing to sustainable soil management, 
we are pleased to inform you about today's endorsement of the *Voluntary 
Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management* by the 155th session of the 
FAO Council. These guidelines developed through a comprehensive and 
inclusive process within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership 
will further pave the way towards supporting governments and 
institutions in mainstreaming sustainable development and implementing 
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Our acknowledgements go to 
all our partners who played an active role on this challenging endeavor.

Similarly, the FAO Council endorsed the establishment of the Global Soil 
Information System and the development of the Global Soil Organic Carbon 
map by 2017.

*---- **Download the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil 
Management* <http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqK1R7n6t1NGgUIXdidHMWf>*  ----*

*The GSP Secretariat wishes you a fruitful World Soil Day! Help us 
disseminate the message with the hashtag:*


For more information visit:


or contact us at:
*GSP-Secretariat en fao.org * <mailto:gsp-secretariat en fao.org> 		SHARE AND 
If you received this from a friend and wish to subscribe, please *click 
here* <http://fao.msgfocus.com/k/12NAAhy9Vxwe2Pan2jBjYl> to enter your 

If you don't want to receive this newsletter, you can unsubscribe *here* 



	© *FAO 2016* <http://fao.msgfocus.com/c/11gqKutsivHiHOkd0qpQvcSSN> 	

Presidencia del Comité
Alianza Sudamericana por el Suelo - FAO
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