[AACS] Fwd: Fw: PlaNNet virtual symposium - U.S. National Science Foundation-supported N researcher coordination network

Diego J. Cosentino cosenti en agro.uba.ar
Vie Feb 10 08:59:49 ART 2017


Abajo les paso información de un Simposio Virtual de N de acceso libre 
que se hará el próximo 8 y 9 de Marzo.

Un abrazo,


Ing. Agr. Fernando O. García, Ph.D.
Director Regional
IPNI Latinoamérica-Cono Sur
Av. Santa Fe 910
(B1641ABO) Acassuso - Buenos Aires
Tel/Fax (54) 011-4798-9939 - (54) 011-4798-9988
fgarcia en ipni.net
----- Forwarded by Fernando Garcia/IPNI on 02/09/2017 02:38 PM -----

I have been invited by Dr. Jill Baron with the U.S. Geological Survey 
and the North American Center of the international Nitrogen Initiative 
  ..... to circulate the information below, and within the attached file:

The Plant Nitrogen Network, PlaNNet, is a research collaboration network 
funded by the US National Science Foundation and they are beginning to 
host virtual meetings on the topics of nitrogen and agricultural 
sustainability. A flyer for their first virtual meeting is attached and 
is intended for anyone to access. Please share widely with your 
colleagues. The sign-up information has not yet been posted, but we will 
pass that on as soon as we can.

The aim of PlaNNet is to connect N-researchers around the world in order 
to coordinate efforts to solve the dual problems of N in agriculture. 
PlaNNet activities will include: (i) development of this information 
portal for hundreds of N-research groups and other stake-holders around 
the world; (ii) annual Workshops-Without-Walls, virtual meetings that 
will involve hundreds of participants in presentations, discussions, and 
consensus-building related to plant-N research and development; and 
(iii) satellite workshops at major conferences focused on specific 
aspects of plant N and agriculture.


Jill S. Baron, _Jill.Baron en ColoState.edu_ <mailto:Jill.Baron en ColoState.edu>

Co-Director —— John Wesley Powell Center for
Analysis and Synthesis

Director —— North American Nitrogen Center

US Geological Survey, _jill_baron en usgs.gov_ <mailto:jill_baron en usgs.gov>
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Colorado State University
Fort Collins CO 80523-1499

*When we receive additional details on the internet connection details 
for the PlaNNet virtual N symposium, we will be passing that information 
along to you promptly.*


Clifford S. Snyder, PhD, CCA
Nitrogen Program Director
International Plant Nutrition Institute
P.O. Box 10509
Conway, AR 72034

Voice: 501-336-8110
Fax: 501-329-2318
Email:csnyder en ipni.net
Website: http://www.ipni.net <http://www.ipni.net/>

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