[AACS] 7mo Congreso Mundial de Agricultura de Conservación

Santiago Nocelli Pac nocelli en aapresid.org.ar
Lun Mayo 8 10:01:45 ART 2017


Paper submissions will be available from 20/03 to 17/05/2017 and will
be carried out through an online system.

Any contribution, information, case or study involving
Conservation Agriculture is welcome.

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee to determine
the relevance to the overall program theme.


Once you have submitted your abstract, you must register to attend 7WCCA
and 25 Aapresid Congress

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Ing. Agr. Santiago Nocelli Pac
*Gerente de Prospectiva*
*Dorrego 1639 - Piso 2, Oficina A*
*Rosario, Santa Fe*
                                                Skype: snocelli*

*twitter: @Nocellisantiago*

*www.aapresid.org.ar* <http://www.aapresid.org.ar/>
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