[AACS] Experto en suelos volcánicos
Diego J. Cosentino
cosenti en agro.uba.ar
Lun Mayo 15 10:42:33 ART 2017
Hola a todos,
Los organizadores del congreso Mundial de Suelos, que se llevará a cabo
en Brazil en el 2018, están buscando un orador argentino para el
simposio sobre suelos volcánicos.
El simposio se llamará: Andisols and the Management of soils recently
impacted by ashes eruptions at different zones of the world.
Interesados comunicarse conmigo a este mail.
Muchas gracias
Diego Cosentino
Dear Dr. Kosaki and Cosentino:
Laura Berta Reyes provide me with your respectives mail address. I am
writing both of you to orient me on soils scientist of your respective
countries working or interested on volcanic soils.
We need to include speakers of several parts of the world where volcanic
soils are of importance. The idea is to ensemble a group of about four
experts on this subject to present speaches
within a proposed simposium "Andisols and the Management of soils
recently impacted by ashes eruptions at different zones of the world
at the next World Soils Science Congress in Brazil 2018. The
justification of this simposium is:
Volcanism is concentrated near plate boundaries where plate subduction
or seafloor spreading takes place where recent actib¿vity has been
shown. Major concentrations of volcanic soils are found around the
Pacific rim: on the west coast of South America, in Central America, the
Rocky Mountains, Alaska, Japan, the Philippine Archipelago, Indonesia,
Papua New Guinea and New Zealand and in Pacific Island (Fiji, Vanuatu,
New Hebrides, New Caledonia, Samoa and Hawaii). In addition, spots of
volcanic soils are found in Africa (Rift Valley, in Kenya, Rwanda and
Ethiopia and on Madagascar) and in Europe ( Italy, France, Germany and
Iceland). The total Andosol area is estimated at some 110 million
hectares (around 1 percent of the global land surface) (FAO). In Central
and South America volcanic soils occupy 1,376 000 km2 (Zebroski, 1992).
Many volcanic soils in the world are exposed to degradation by erosion,
loss of nutrient, and deterioration of physical properties . In Africa,
Central and South America and the Pacific Island this territory is
mostly inhabited by low income population and its soils are subjected to
extensive cultivation. There is need for conservation.
Best regards
J. D. Etchevers
Responsible for the application
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