[AACS] Fwd: TECA Webinar: Soil conservation practices to reduce soil erosion: Terrace Systems

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Vie Dic 9 08:12:13 ART 2022

Buenos días,

Comparto esta convocatoria para quienes estén interesados.

El próximo martes 13 de diciembre el grupo de Tecnologías y prácticas 
para pequeños productores agrarios (_TECA_), de la FAO, invita a un 
encuentro virtual sobre "Prácticas de conservación del suelo para 
reducir su erosión: Sistema de Terrazas"


-------- Mensaje Original --------

  		TECA Webinar: Soil conservation practices to reduce soil erosion: 
Terrace Systems

  		2022-12-08 08:42

  		TECA <TECA en fao.org>


TECA Webinar: Soil conservation practices to reduce soil erosion: 
Terrace Systems [1]

Soil conservation is becoming increasingly important due to climate 
change and harmful farming practices. In hilly or mountainous areas, 
soil erosion is unavoidable due to rain and wind. Terracing is one of 
the practices used to prevent rainfall runoff in sloping lands for soil 
and water conservation.

Terracing is a method applied to prevent soil erosion due to excessive 
rainfall and to reduce the formation of gullies. This consist of ridges 
constructed across the slope to conserve soil, nutrients and increases 
the soil productivity, as well as reduces flooding and minimizes soil 
erosion through decreased slope gradient. Terrace systems are widely 
spread in east and Southeast Asia for rice farming, and in the 
Mediterranean for the cultivation of vineyards and olive trees.

This webinar highlights the benefits of implementing terraces system in 


_Session I: Introduction_

	* Technologies and Practices for Small Agricultural Producers (TECA)
Selvaraju Ramasamy_, Senior Agricultural Officer, Office of Innovation, 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)._
	* Soil conservation strategies - an introduction
Roland Vargas, _Land and Water Officer, Food and Agriculture 
Organization of the United Nations (FAO)._ 	* Q & A session

_Session II: Good practices - terrace systems_

Slope Agriculture Land Technology (SALT), Nepal [2] (Language: English)
  Bishnu Hari Poudel, _Forestry expert__, Food and Agriculture 
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Nepal_
	* Shexian Dryland Stone Terraced System, China [3] (Language: Chinese)
Xianlin HE, _Senior Agronomist, Bureau of Agricultural and Rural Affairs 
of Shexian County, P.R. China_
	* Terraced Agroforestry systems in the Anti-Atlas Mountains (Morocco): 
roles and preservation challenges (Language: English)
Aitlhaj Abderrahmane, _ National Agency for Development of Oasis and 
Argan Areas (ANDZOA), Agadir, Morocco_
	* Water Harvesting in arid and dry areas: doing more with less [4] 
(Language: English)
Mira Haddad, _Senior research assistant, _and Joren Verbist, 
_Technologies Systematization Officer,_ _ICARDA__._ 	* Q & A session

Key messages: Ronald Vergas, Land and Water Officer, FAO


We are looking forward to your participation!

TECA - Technologies and Practices for Small Agricultural Producers [5]
English [6], French [7], Spanish [8], Portuguese [9]

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy

Teca en fao.org


Fernando Esteban
Espacio Apícola
Córdoba, Argentina

[1] https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_djsqGruYSpWh3hgsJnkFRg
[2] https://www.fao.org/teca/en/technologies/7717
[3] https://www.fao.org/teca/en/technologies/10097
[4] https://teca.apps.fao.org/teca/en/technologies/8757
[5] https://teca.apps.fao.org/teca/en
[6] https://teca.apps.fao.org/teca/en/technologies
[7] https://teca.apps.fao.org/teca/fr/technologies
[8] https://teca.apps.fao.org/teca/es/technologies
[9] https://teca.apps.fao.org/teca/pt/technologies
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