[Lisfauba] AVISO seminario IFEVA viernes 14 de octubre 2022

Facultad de Agronomía UBA lisagro en agro.uba.ar
Mie Oct 12 11:53:15 ART 2022

* Seminario IFEVA*
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*VIERNES14 de Octubre** 2022*

*12.00 hs*

Virtual: *YouTube* Canal *IFEVA*

Presencial: S.U.M. *IFEVA*
 Sea level rise effects on coastal forest.

Autores: *Keryn Gedan*

*Filiación: *Department of Biological Sciences, George Washington University

*Resumen: *The seminar will describe changes in the ecosystems of the
coastal plain, natural and anthropogenic, due to sea level rise in the
Mid-Atlantic US. Large scale habitat conversion is occurring, as upland
ecosystems are inundated and salinized. Trees have died across large areas,
and the trunks remain in places referred to as ghost forests. The Gedan Lab
has been researching the retreat of forests and expansion of tidal wetlands
in response to sea level rise. How exactly does salinity kill trees? And
will the tidal wetlands of the future be similar to those of today?

*Palabras claves: *Climate change, Plant physiology, Trees, Wetlands

[image: Gedan Profile Lago 2.jpg]

*Dr. Keryn Gedan *is an Associate Professor in Biological Sciences at
George Washington University. She received her bachelor’s degree from Tufts
University in Biology and Environmental Studies and her PhD from Brown
University in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Gedan is an ecologist who
researches global change factors such as sea level rise, climate change,
hypoxia, and invasive species in coastal and intertidal ecosystems. Her
current research investigates the response of tidal marsh and nearshore
upland ecosystems to accelerated sea level rise. Gedan and her students
have projects in coastal marsh, forest, and salt-affected farmland in the
Chesapeake Bay and Mid-Atlantic seashore, where they work with farmers and
land managers to inform conservation and restoration activities. Her
research is supported by NSF, Maryland Sea Grant, the USDA, and the
National Fish and Wildlife Federation. Gedan is currently based in Buenos
Aires as a Fulbright Science and Technology Fellow.

*Certificados:* los alumnos que necesiten certificar su asistencia, deberán
enviar su nombre y DNI al moderador (mtexeira en agro.uba.ar) durante el
transcurso del seminario o en la hora posterior a la finalización del mismo

*Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la

IFEVA - Facultad de Agronomía - Universidad de Buenos Aires
 Av. San Martín 4453 - C1417DSE - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Marcos Texeira
Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información //
Facultad de Agronomía
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Av. San Martín 4453 (C1417DSE)
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