[Lisfauba] SEMINARIO ESPECIAL IFEVA. Martes 7 de marzo de 2023 - 12 hs

Facultad de Agronomía UBA lisagro en agro.uba.ar
Jue Mar 2 11:46:56 ART 2023

* Seminario IFEVA*
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*MARTES07 de Marzo** 2023*

*12.00 hs*

Presencial: SUM IFEVA

To boost rice productivity under a changing climate.

Autor: *Hiroyuki Shimono*

*Filiación: *Iwate University, Japan.

*Resumen: *Global food demand has been rising to support future population
growth under changing climates. My research interest is to increase crop
productivity (per unit land area) in response to environmental changes, G x
E interaction, using field phenotyping, crop growth model, QTL and GWAS
analysis for mainly rice (*Oryza sativa* L.), addition to soybean and sweet
potato. I want to share two topics of my current works, (1) Phenotypic
plasticity: Breeding target for adapting future environments, and (2) Big
data analysis: Upcycle yield trial data for future breeding. I want to
introduce my lab and also life in Japan. Our lab has several international
students and international collaboration with Ethiopia and Bangladesh et
al. Please come and join to discuss for future collaborations.

Palabras clave: Big Data, Climate change, Phenotypic plasticity,
Productivity, Rice.
[image: Shimono2.png]

*Hiroyuki Shimono, * is a Professor and researcher at Crop Science
Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University.

*Certificados:* los alumnos que necesiten certificar su asistencia, deberán
enviar su nombre y DNI al moderador (mtexeira en agro.uba.ar) durante el
transcurso del seminario o en la hora posterior a la finalización del mismo

*Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la

IFEVA - Facultad de Agronomía - Universidad de Buenos Aires
 Av. San Martín 4453 - C1417DSE - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Marcos Texeira
Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información //
Facultad de Agronomía
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Av. San Martín 4453 (C1417DSE)
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