Facultad de Agronomía UBA lisagro en agro.uba.ar
Mar Oct 3 11:36:40 ART 2023

* Seminario IFEVA*
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*VIERNES6 de OCTUBRE 202312.00 hs*

Presencial: SUM *IFEVA*

Loss of aboveground animals in

grasslands: Consequences for

ecosystem processes and


Autora: Anita C. Risch (1)

*Filiación: **(1) *Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape
Research WSL, Community Ecology, Birmensdorf, Switzerland

*Resumen: *Rapid human-induced decline in global biodiversity across all
trophic levels reduces the ability of ecosystems to maintain key ecosystem
functions. Extirpation of vertebrates and invertebrates from ecosystems,
i.e., defaunation, alters the structure, composition, and strength of
interactions within and between trophic levels and therefore the
functioning of the ecosystem. Hence, defaunation can weaken interactions
such as those between the aboveground invertebrate and belowground
decomposer communities, or between the soil arthropod community and their
physicochemical environment. Moreover, defaunation often operates in a
size-selective, non-random manner, with larger species disappearing before
smaller-sized species that all have different impacts on how the ecosystem
responds to these losses. Hence, the big question is: how does the loss of
vertebrates and invertebrates affect ecosystem processes and functioning in
grassland ecosystems? I will try to provide answers to this question based
on research I conducted in many different ecosystems across the globe over
the past 20 years.

*Palabras claves:* biodiversity loss; defaunation; grassland functioning;
interactions; above-below ground.

[image: Risch2.jpg]

Anita C. Risch is a theoretical and applied ecologist studying how global
change, mainly loss of vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores and
eutrophication, affect the overall biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and
above-belowground interactions. Risch published over 130 papers in
scientific journals, but also repeatedly published for the general public.
For her research, Risch often works in international networks,
demonstrating her talent for bringing together and leading colleagues from
diverse backgrounds. Risch holds a master's degree in biology from ETH
Zurich and in forestry from Michigan Technological University, USA. She
habilitated as a private lecturer at ETH Zurich. At WSL, she supervised
numerous master's students, doctoral students, and PostDocs.

[image: image.png] @AnitaRisch; @WSL_research

*Este seminario fue facilitado por el programa de Estadías de Profesoras,
Profesores y Expertos Internacionales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y
por el equipo de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Agronomía

*Certificados:* los alumnos que necesiten certificar su asistencia, deberán
enviar su nombre y DNI al moderador (mtexeira en agro.uba.ar) durante el
transcurso del seminario o en la hora posterior a la finalización del mismo

*Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la

IFEVA - Facultad de Agronomía - Universidad de Buenos Aires
 Av. San Martín 4453 - C1417DSE - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Marcos Texeira
Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información //
(011) 452870829
Facultad de Agronomía
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Av. San Martín 4453 (C1417DSE)
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