[AACS] Concurso internacional de proyectos en suelos 75000€ !!

Diego J. Cosentino cosenti en agro.uba.ar
Jue Ene 9 09:09:21 ART 2020

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	[Information to be shared] The Innovation Awards Roullier 2020 
will reward a soil research project with 75k€
Fecha: 	Mon, 23 Dec 2019 15:49:09 +0000
De: 	Benoit Jimenez <Benoit.Jimenez en roullier.com>
A: 	aacs en suelos.org.ar <aacs en suelos.org.ar>


I am in charge of the organization of the Innovation Awards Roullier 2020.

This international contest in Plant and Animal Nutrition, organized by 
the Groupe Roullier (French Company), will reward the two best projects 
with a grant of €75,000 each. The competition is open to all 
universities and research laboratories worldwide.

For this edition, the *_soil_* will be at the center of the plant 
nutrition competition and this is why I wanted to transfer this 
information to you so that you can share it with members of the 
Asociacion Argentina de la Ciencia del suelo.

The wining project will be selected by three jury members :

  * Professor Sharon R. Long from Stanford (USA)
  * Doctor Günter Brader from BOKU (Austria)
  * Professor Johannes Lehmann from Cornell (USA)

You will find attached the contest flyer.
Please visit our website : https://www.innovation-awards-roullier.com/

With Best Regards




Chargé de Mission – Direction de l’Innovation

/Strategic Project Manager attached to Innovation Director/

Email : benoit.jimenez en roullier.com <mailto:benoit.jimenez en roullier.com>

M. : +33 (0)6 22 25 51 95

18 avenue F. Roosevelt – 35400 Saint-Malo - France

Bandeau-mail_V5 <https://www.innovation-awards-roullier.com/fr/>

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