[AACS] Un término deplorable: Bases de cambio

Diego Cosentino cosenti en agro.uba.ar
Mar Jun 16 12:30:00 ART 2020

Hola a todos,

Les mando una opinión que me mandó Fernando García y que salió en Plant &
Soil arengando y argumentando el referirse a los nutrientes evitando sus
óxidos y el dejar de usar el término "Bases de cambio".
Lo que me pareció divertido es la dureza de los adjetivos..
Lo interesante es la historia que explica el uso del término.
La opinión es muy breve, se las adjunto.

Les transcribo un párrafo sin desperdicio:

"This *deplorable *term ‘base exchange’ has caused untold confusion. The
cations which take part in exchange reactions include calcium, magnesium,
ammonium, and hydrogen. Of these, hydrogen is the essence of acidity, and *it
is the height of absurdity* to call it a ‘base’. Ammonium is a weak acid,
by virtue of its tendency to liberate hydrogen ion (NH4+ ⇌ NH3 + H+), so
its salt ammonium chloride is acid to methyl red. The ions of the metals
calcium and magnesium, though one could hardly call them acids, are most.
Certainly not bases. A base is something which reacts with or removes acid
- that is, hydrogen ion; it would be interesting to learn from the
champions of the term ‘base exchange’ what interactions Ca++ and H+ have
with one another. This fallacy comes from the days when it was the bases
CaO and MgO that were exchanged, as compared with the ions Ca++ and Mg++ of

Gracias Fernando y a los autores por hacerme reflexionar sobre términos que
he usado mucho tiempo sin entenderlos y sin cuestionármelos, inaceptable
como investigador-docente.

Dr. Diego Cosentino

de virus. www.avg.com

Dr. Diego Cosentino
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