[AACS] Fwd: Black Soil Webinar _ INBS_ Argentina case

Diego Cosentino cosenti en agro.uba.ar
Jue Nov 16 16:28:42 ART 2023

Les paso una invitación una invitación al Webinar sobre Suelos negros hecha
por el organizador de la red, dentro del marco de la Alianza Mundial de
Suelos de la FAO la cual la AACS apoya y es parte.

Diego Cosentino

Dear INBS Colleagues,

I hope this email finds you well,

Following the work plan of the International Network of Black Soils (INBS),
we would like to organize series of Webinars to introduce best black soil
management practices and raise awareness on black soil protection (in

For the first webinar, we would like to invite Argentina experts to
introduce their knowledge on black soils in Pampas.

Please find attached the concept note of the webinar. The date will be on 24
th November at 13:00 – 14:30 pm CET (Central European Time).

The zoom registration link is here

You can also find the event on GSP website and media here:




*We will be appreciated if you can share this message to your colleagues
for joining the webinar.*

*Presenters of the webinar*:

Mr. Miguel Angel Taboada, Chair of INBS

Ms. Ana Beatriz Wingeye, National Institute of Agricultural Technology
(INTA),  Argentina.

Mr. Luis Wall, University of Quilmes and CONICET, Argentina

Let’s protect black soils, invest in the future!~~


Best regards,


*Yuxin Tong*, Ph.D. (Mr.)

*Land and Water Officer*

*Global Soil Partnership*

*Land and Water Division (NSL)*

*Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)*

*Viale delle Terme de Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy*

*Tel: 0039 06 570 50207*

*Email:  **Yuxin.Tong en fao.org* <Yuxin.Tong en fao.org>

Dr. Diego Cosentino
Cátedra de Edafologìa (FAUBA)
Profesor a cargo
Av San Martín 4453 CP1417 - CABA
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