[AACS] Convocatoria de presentación de resúmenes. "THE IUSS GOES TO SCHOOL" educative project.   

Gabriela Fernandez fernandez.gabriela en inta.gob.ar
Vie Nov 17 14:10:16 ART 2023

Estimadas Gabriela y Laura.

Les pido por favor la reenvíen a toda su red en la Argentina.

Va todo en inglés porque para el Centenario de la IUSS sólo se aceptarán resúmenes y presentaciones en inglés.

Un abrazo,



To stop land degradation and education needed to achieve its preservation are the keys to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (IUSS-IDS) and the long-term priority objectives of the "THE IUSS GOES TO SCHOOL" educative project.

In this framework and because stopping soil degradation will not be possible if only soil science scientists know its value for the existence of life on Earth, we invite the IUSS scientific community to present in the Session: “Children and young people say present at the IUSS Centenary Celebration” (ID133512) their educational activities and projects, innovative ideas, and educative research.

All soil science educational projects are called to celebrate the IUSS Centennial by building a new IUSS' educative era in which children and young people's education and citizen awareness allow us to preserve the soils of the world.


Abstracts can be submitted until 15 January 2024.

(Only works in English are accepted)

Laura Bertha Reyes-Sánchez and Rainer Horn

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