[Lisfauba] SEMINARIO IFEVA VIRTUAL - Viernes 04 de noviembre 13 horas

Facultad de Agronomía UBA lisagro en agro.uba.ar
Mar Nov 1 12:03:08 ART 2022

* Seminario IFEVA*
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*VIERNES04 de Noviembre** 2022*

*13.00 hs*

Virtual: *YouTube* Canal *IFEVA*

Contrasting pathways to domestication and early agricultural
productivities: examples across Africa and Asia.

Autores: *Dorian Fuller*

*Filiación: *Institute of Archaeology, University College, London, UK

*Resumen: *I will consider recognition of pre-domestication cultivation and
domestication episodes, intermediate economies, and causal factors that
contributes to both transformations (domestication and agriculture), and
differences among the rates of agricultural dispersal. Examples will be
drawn from China, West Asia and West Africa.

*Palabras claves: *Agriculture, Cultivation, Dispersal, Domestication

[image: Dorian Fuller 2.jpg]

*Dorian Fuller *is Professor of Archaeobotany and joint director of the
International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology. He began
teaching at UCL since completing his PhD at Cambridge in 2000. He has
worked widely in archaeobotany and archaeological field projects across the
Old World, in parts of Africa, including numerous field projects in
fieldwork projects in many parts of India (since1997), Sudan(since 1997),
China (since 2004), Ethiopia (since 2011), Turkey (Ҫatalhöyük,
2011-2017),Iraqi Kurdistan (since 2014), as well as field projects in
Thailand, Myanmar, Morocco, Spain, Gibraltar, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. His
fieldwork has focused on archaeobotanical sampling of archaeological sites
aimed to fill in key gaps in direct evidence for past agriculture.
Dorian’s major research projects have includes more than a decade on
research on early rice. The Early rice project (2009-2019) was funded
through 3 grants from the Natural Environment Research Council. This
project has improved methods and evidence for the evolution and spread of
rice agricultural systems throughout Asia, and how these have impacted
social and environmental change, including prehistoric increases in the
greenhouse gas methane that came from rice. Another major project was the
ERC-funded "Comparative Pathways to Agriculture Project" (2013-2018), which
compared domestication trajectories for more than 30 crops across different
regions of Asia and Africa.

Página web:

*Certificados:* los alumnos que necesiten certificar su asistencia, deberán
enviar su nombre y DNI al moderador (mtexeira en agro.uba.ar) durante el
transcurso del seminario o en la hora posterior a la finalización del mismo

*Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la

IFEVA - Facultad de Agronomía - Universidad de Buenos Aires
 Av. San Martín 4453 - C1417DSE - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Marcos Texeira
Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información //
Facultad de Agronomía
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Av. San Martín 4453 (C1417DSE)
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