[Lisfauba] RECORDATORIO - SEMINARIO ESPECIAL IFEVA - Miercoles 11 de Octubre 2023 12 Hs

Facultad de Agronomía UBA lisagro en agro.uba.ar
Mar Oct 10 15:29:13 ART 2023

* Seminario IFEVA*
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*MIERCOLES11 de OCTUBRE 202312.00 hs*

Presencial: SUM *IFEVA*

Reflections on the challenges and

rewards of a transdisciplinary

research journey.

Autora: *Dirk Roux*(1,2)

*Filiación: **(1)*Scientific Services, South African National Parks, South

*(2)*Sustainability Research Unit, Nelson Mandela University, George, South

*Resumen: *Science has been identified as one of four levers – alongside
governance, economy and finance, and individual and collective action –
that together could bring about the transformations necessary to achieve
the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). However, to contribute to such
transformations and to help society advance towards sustainable futures,
science itself may have to transform. A key challenge for science is to not
only work in disciplinary ‘silos’ but to purposefully address the
interdependent relationship between human well-being and diverse,
functioning ecological systems. A further challenge is for science to
engage with and integrate multiple knowledge forms, including local
knowledge and knowledge from practice and policy domains. A number of
research approaches have emerged in response to these needs. This
presentation will focus on one of these: transdisciplinary research.
Drawing on a personal journey of transitioning from being trained in the
natural sciences to practicing inter- and transdisciplinary research, the
talk will contextualise transdisciplinary research within real-world
problem solving. Examples include the participatory identification of
priority river and wetland ecosystems to achieve national and global
freshwater conservation targets; promoting wise management of ecological
infrastructure in a farming community; and co-producing visions and
objectives for managing national parks. The presentation will highlight the
social learning characteristics of transdisciplinarity and reflect on the
typical challenges, trade-offs as well as rewards experienced by those who
embark on a transdisciplinary journey. It will also present heuristics for
designing and executing a transdisciplinary research project.

*Palabras claves:* Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs); transdisciplinary
research; conservation

[image: dirk roux.png]

Dirk Roux comenzó su carrera como ecólogo acuático interesado en monitorear
e informar sobre la salud de los ríos, y su enfoque fue cambiando
gradualmente hacia la interfaz entre la academia, la política y la
práctica. Tiene más de 30 años de experiencia trabajando en investigación y
como agente de conservación en los Parques Nacionales de Sudáfrica.

<https://www.sanparks.org/scientific-services/meet-the-team/prof-dirk-roux> *

*Certificados:* los alumnos que necesiten certificar su asistencia, deberán
enviar su nombre y DNI al moderador (mtexeira en agro.uba.ar) durante el
transcurso del seminario o en la hora posterior a la finalización del mismo

*Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la

IFEVA - Facultad de Agronomía - Universidad de Buenos Aires
 Av. San Martín 4453 - C1417DSE - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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